AskTARA; Universal EHR or PHR; Intel Healthcare Innovation Summit; Tunstall Response; Xbox Kinect

AskTARA for national (UK) launch
(To help people select products and services)

Why a universal EHR or PHR is so difficult
(You could fall at the very first hurdle)

Invitation to Intel Healthcare Innovation Summit webinars
(Online event)

Tunstall Response meets TSA standard (UK)
(Did you know they previously didn’t?)

Older people on the thin line between protest and disorder in Britain?
(Sign of the times?)

Xbox Kinect shows falls detection promise
(As Donna predicted over a year ago)

EarlySense; Health New England; epidermal electronics; St Vincent de Paul; Telehealth

EarlySense hospital bed sensors piloting in Massachusetts
(New product news)

iPads are welcome distraction during surgery (UK)
(Choose your entertainment along with your surgeon)

Health New England adds member app
(For faster access)

Once again into the (data) breach: ‘September Song’ edition
(225,000 people affected in recent months)

Revised Lifecomm MPERS white paper
(Thanks to TA readers)

EHTEL – Intel Workshop: eHealth 2020 – What Synergies for Europe?
(Seminar news)

NYT catches up on ‘epidermal electronics
(Pointer to the future)

6pm Group to invest €5 million in FYR Macedonia ‘Tele Care and Tele Health’
(Interesting market choice)

St Vincent de Paul study shows benefits of telecare to older people
(For the ‘evidence file’)

App-based remote room monitoring system for iPad and iPhone
(New product – not quite telecare yet)

Telehealth in the NHS (article)

Doro; Socialism; MedCottage; Continua Health Alliance; Kyocera; AFrame Digital

Doro buys tiny French telecare company for €1.29 million

Socialism: Relax, it could be coming to your living room (US)
(Should rattle a few cages)

Pop-up ‘MedCottage‘ enables care at home (US)
(New product news)

Continua Health Alliance Releases 2011 Design Guidelines
(Industry news)

Invicta Telecare’s 25 years – and some statistics (UK)
(Industry news)

Could you be a (non-Bosch) Health HERO?
(Dead easy competition)

Mi-Look: Kyocera‘s multifunction device (Japan)
(New product news)

AFrame Digital gains second round of NIH research funding
(Research news)

Telecare Soapbox: Telehealth for the intellectually disabled
(‘People with Learning Disabilities’ for UK readers)

Android malware; Choose Independence; Transition Care Program; Philips Lifeline AutoAlert; In-home health monitoring; Vidyo; Tunstall myclinic@home

Beware hospital CIOs, of Android malware explosion
(Adding to the ongoing debate of iPad vs. Android)

Rural healthcare lagging without telemedicine (US)
(Confirming the obvious)

Choose Independence to develop telehealth part of TSA Code of Practice (UK)
(A ‘brave’ decision?)

Did the riots affect telecare service usage? (UK)
(A question for services)

The effect of telehealth and telecare on clients of the Transition Care Program (Australia)

Telecare Soapbox: Philips Lifeline AutoAlert – where’s the evidence?
(Publish or be damned!)

Competency framework published for eHealth clinicians (UK)
(Start made)

Expansion of in-home health monitoring systems (US & UK)
(Good news stories)

Vidyo’s large deal with Ontario Telemedicine Network
(The chimp challenges the gorillas)

Pharmaceutical m-Health
(Conference news)

Hacking the insulin pump, and beyond
(No one will bother – will they?)

Innovating for today’s older adult
(To kickstart your thinking)

‘Silicon Valley know-it-alls’ discussion continues
(Reading for [last] weekend)

Wrist-worn device may detect cardiac arrest
(Pointer to the future)

Tunstall myclinic@home kit launched in Australia
(Industry news)

Health Net Connect; BRAID; NHS Bristol; FDA draft guidance; Cisco layoffs; iRobot and InTouch; mHealth acquisitions

Health Net Connect launches VideoDoc service
(Is it significant?)

New telehealth service in Schleswig-Holstein (Germany)
(New telehealth roll-out)

BRAID Project: Active Ageing Scenarios (EU)
(May be useful)

NHS Bristol uses phones for telehealth (UK)
(New telehealth roll-out)

Recognized Continua Certification Experts
(May be useful. Or become one)

Two useful smartphone healthcare apps, and free report
(From TANN: Canada and research2guidance)

Analysis of FDA draft guidance on mobile medical apps
(Must-read 1)

Neil Versel’s take on ‘Silicon Valley know-it-alls’
(Must-read 2)

Cisco layoffs affecting their telehealth initiatives?
(Readers’ info requested)

Your weekend robot fix: iRobot and InTouch Health go ‘joint’
(Can they complement each other?)

2011 mHealth acquisitions thick and fast
(Handy list)

Boston Connected Health Symposium networking event
(Event news)

Telecare; Tunstall telehealth; New Zealand Telehealth Forum; Telecare Services Association; Telefónica e-health

Mobile Health Expo East reminder
(A deadline and a discount)

Blue Highway gets closer to WellAWARE
(Industry news)

Friday’s forecast and research picks
(More ways to spend your company’s money)

The UK’s two approaches to telecare
(North / south divide?)

Honeywell Telehealth User Group Workshop invitation (UK)
(London, next week, if you can make it)

Tunstall’s telehealth program at NHS Gloucestershire
(Another large scale, non-competitive purchase?)

New Zealand Telehealth Forum established

More from recent South African mHealth Summit
(Africa – where necessity is truly the mother…)

Singapore tests mHealth device for heart disease
(Getting results quickly)

Telecare Services Association – members’ concerns (UK)
(Setting the standards?)

Pharma goes digital for trials, detailing
(Telehealth recruited)

mHealth Summit: call for presentations
(Conference news)

DALLAS – A thorough commissioning process to take less than a year (UK)
(Sidestepping EU tendering processes?)

Will watches make a comeback?
(Pointer to the future)

Where’s Spain’s Telefónica e-health division heading? José Perdomo tells all
(Big player strategy)

Avery Dennison & Proteus Biomedical; Care Innovations Health Guide; EHR at the VA; iPhone ECG; Alere Masterclass

Avery Dennison Medical Solutions and Proteus Biomedical new
partnership (US)
(Company news)

Telehealth Defined, Explained and Explored
(F&S wades in)

TANN round-up week ending 11 June 2011
(A quick eye over the local sites)

Care Innovations Health Guide Windows 7 puzzle announcement
(Well, it puzzles your editor)

8 of 10 countries using mHealth, but…
(WHO report)

Pen, paper…EHR at the VA: study
(How clinicians fill the gaps)

Using video chat to stay connected with older relatives
(Skype still too complex?)

Dr D Albert and accidental viral marketing of the iPhone ECG
(Proving that the best viral is accidental viral)

Seminar report: Alere Masterclass 7 June 2011
(Was it a masterclass or a pitchfest?)

Telecare Aware News Network updates; Taiwan telehealth; SmartCamp; ICU Telemedicine

Telecare Aware News Network updates
(Follow your country)

Taiwan gets on with telehealth
(Development reminder)

Home care needs a makeover (US)
(Like 1990s PCs but worse)

SmartCamp goes to Austin, awards healthcare technology
(IBM’s entrepreneurial awards program)

Your Friday ‘battle of the market projections’
(Soap bubbles in a breeze?)

The Use and Misuse of ICU Telemedicine
(Contrasting two studies)

Robosoft Kompaï; Car as mHealth; Lifecomm MPERS; Waldo Health and ECG; Technologies for Health; Qualcomm; GPS tracking

Robosoft’s Kompaï care robot…the future of telecare?
(Steve’s special report)

Your car as mHealth platform
(Could be controversial)

Silvers Summit 2012 @ CES–call for speakers
(Conference news)

Lifecomm MPERS appoints president
(Industry news plus product info)

ATA followup: Waldo Health and ECG tracking
(Product news)

Technologies for Health: $50 million five-year grant
(Closing date is 6 June)

Qualcomm keynoting at mHealth Summit
(Conference news)

NHS EHR “The largest civilian IT project in the world has failed.”
(Taxpayers’ money down the drain news)

GPS tracking with autistic children (US)
(Video report)

Telecare EPG; Telemedical ECG service; Physicians video consult;Benefits of Telecare; Flexible paperphone; FutureMed2011; ChairBot; Skype

‘Computerless email’ to debut at Ecumen senior housing (US)
(Presto making market progress – embargoed, will appear later)

Wales invests in subscription to Telecare EPG
(Thumbs up to WAG and the EPG)

EHRs and semantic interoperability (EU)
(Interoperability constructing a new Tower of Babel?)

‘Tapping into smart health’ (Boston Globe)
(mHealth roundup)

Telemedical ECG service has improved patient cardiac care
while reducing its cost (UK)
(Written by a GP!)

Need the ER? Make a reservation. (US)
(Now we just need to be able to book our next accident)

7% of US physicians video consult with patients
(But there are barriers to greater usage)

Supporting Unpaid Carers: The Benefits of Telecare (Scotland)
(Free report)

Flexible ‘paperphone‘ created
(Pointer to the future)

Isansys Lifecare launches small body-worn heart monitor
(New product)

In 2002 there were 49 million cellphones in Africa…and now?
(Video and pointer to the future)

New pressure sensor can stretch to twice its size
(Pointer to the future)

I Award winners at WLSA Investors Forum
(No, not as in ‘Your editor awards…’)

‘Star Trek’ in reality: the Tricorder X PRIZE
(Health… the Final Frontier)

FutureMed2011: Days 3, 4, 5
(Conference news)

Weekend reading: FutureMed 2011
(‘Exponential change’ for short)

Your Friday robot ‘fix’; ChairBot

No, no, no! to virtual consults in South Africa
(Backward stepping)

Friday corporate news
(Industry updates)

Friday corporate news
Tracking, social networking rising for health information
Skype a bad buy for Microsoft?
Lights, theatre…Android@Home