9 Items posted since Tuesday’s email alert: January’s Telecare LIN eNewsletter published(Insight into the UK telecare and telehealth scene) Shimmer doesn’t shilly-shally(CE certification news) Telehealth, telecare and new technologies in UK healthcare (Seminar)(Event information) iPads in healthcare? Telehealth and the NHS North Yorkshire and York £8 million deficit(Interesting, but not for the reason you might […]
Agenda (almost) Complete for Health 2.0 Europe Conference(Conference info) Bluetooth SIG formalises low-energy(Technical development) Don’t take Apple Tablets for healthcare…yet(‘Apple Tablet’ launches tomorrow) AllOne Mobile seeking to cancel license with security provider(Puzzling development) Juniper and Polycom team up for video conferencing(Telemedicine providers jostle for position) Doctor, what smartphone is right for you?(helping physicians make the […]
26 items since Tuesday. We are not trying to bombard you – it’s just that interesting stories are still coming thick and fast… Vitality GlowCaps’ busy year in video(Watch it – you will want to invest) Center for Technology and Aging remote monitoring report(Good overview of recent research) Corventis’ Nuvant cardiac monitor cleared for US […]
Telecare and telehealth items posted since Friday, but keep up because we will be posting more later today. Nokia’s Eco Sensor Concept(An idea left at the side of the road?) Are capital or collaboration bottlenecks preventing your startup from moving forward?(Interesting discussion thread) Telehealth Solutions HomePod project extended to Fife (Scotland)(Success story) Girton Labs novel […]
A massive 20 items posted since Tuesday’s alert. There’s been quite a buzz since CES in Las Vegas. MedApps and Meridian Health partner for CHF pilot (Potentially significant pilot) Telehealth for children in Texas(Extending current service) UK telecare policy grip slip(Has DH lost its telecare policy focus?) Heart rate monitoring sports bra video(The future arrives […]
New items since Friday’s alert email: Aboriginal Telehealth in Brazil(Slideshow) First flexible circuit loop antennas for healthcare M2M market(New product) Tell AT&T about your new products(Help needed to understand why you would) Diabetes linked to risk of dementia(Increases case for remote diabetes monitoring) Technological safety net for fall-prone elderly(About the EU-funded SensAction-AAL project) Vitalsens device […]
If you have already read ‘Healthcare highlights at International CES’ and ‘GE Healthcare and Intel extend Health Guide to UK’, there has been additional material posted overnight. 13 items since Monday’s alert email: Video interview with James Ferguson, Scottish Centre for Telehealth(Telehealth in Scotland) Healthcare highlights at International CES(Still managing to report from a distance) […]
Paul Gee resigns from TSA (UK)(Breaking news) Philips tests ‘Big Brother’ health checks (UK)(In Newham) Use of telehealth could save $ billions (again) – again(Tracked down the source of the quote) How far should customer care go?(Two call centre service items) Favorite myths about telemedicine(Thought piece) Telecare Aware in 2009(Some stats) The last roundup for […]