Telecare EPG; Telemedical ECG service; Physicians video consult;Benefits of Telecare; Flexible paperphone; FutureMed2011; ChairBot; Skype

‘Computerless email’ to debut at Ecumen senior housing (US)
(Presto making market progress – embargoed, will appear later)

Wales invests in subscription to Telecare EPG
(Thumbs up to WAG and the EPG)

EHRs and semantic interoperability (EU)
(Interoperability constructing a new Tower of Babel?)

‘Tapping into smart health’ (Boston Globe)
(mHealth roundup)

Telemedical ECG service has improved patient cardiac care
while reducing its cost (UK)
(Written by a GP!)

Need the ER? Make a reservation. (US)
(Now we just need to be able to book our next accident)

7% of US physicians video consult with patients
(But there are barriers to greater usage)

Supporting Unpaid Carers: The Benefits of Telecare (Scotland)
(Free report)

Flexible ‘paperphone‘ created
(Pointer to the future)

Isansys Lifecare launches small body-worn heart monitor
(New product)

In 2002 there were 49 million cellphones in Africa…and now?
(Video and pointer to the future)

New pressure sensor can stretch to twice its size
(Pointer to the future)

I Award winners at WLSA Investors Forum
(No, not as in ‘Your editor awards…’)

‘Star Trek’ in reality: the Tricorder X PRIZE
(Health… the Final Frontier)

FutureMed2011: Days 3, 4, 5
(Conference news)

Weekend reading: FutureMed 2011
(‘Exponential change’ for short)

Your Friday robot ‘fix’; ChairBot

No, no, no! to virtual consults in South Africa
(Backward stepping)

Friday corporate news
(Industry updates)

Friday corporate news
Tracking, social networking rising for health information
Skype a bad buy for Microsoft?
Lights, theatre…Android@Home