Archive for April 2012

Telecare Services Association; smartphone screener for oral lesions; ATA announcements; Code of Practice for Telehealth; 3millionlives; Roy Lilley; Telemedicine and Parkinson’s

Telecare Soapbox: What should the role of the Telecare Services Association be? (Editor Steve wonders if it is time for a change) Award-winning smartphone screener for oral lesions an infection risk? (New products and unregulated markets) ATA: Company announcements and news in brief (ATA updates) April 2012 Telecare LIN Newsletter published (UK) (Your comprehensive source) […]

Telemedicine; Patient from Hell; Accenture; 3millionlives; ECHAlliance

What is that pill, anyway? Here’s an app to find out (Many apps are fun, a few will save lives) The limitations of telemedicine shown in Canadian study (Issues of videoconferencing quality – and terminology) Upset Patient from Hell with implementation in his sights (UK) (Will 3ML be seen as part of hated NHS ‘reforms’?) […]