Buying Solutions‘ resounding silence (UK)(Readers with BS contacts please note) Praise for Airlie Silver Surfers‘ telehealth role (Scotland)(Empowered users here and now) Healthcare and medical technology trade mission to India (UK)(Urgent if interested in doing business there) iTriage app guides you to healthcare(Houston, we have an emergency…) Indian company uses iPad to screen for birth […]
Orange promises NHS savings(From mobile messaging) Google Health revived(Not a zombie after all!) The Future of Patients(Clever video) Med-e-Tel 2011 Preview(Conference news) Funding for telemedicine projects in rural Wales(Good news for Wales) Robotics and stroke #2(Or ‘sroke’, even) Broadband access Federal grants (US)(US ‘stimulus’ funding non-stop BTOP) ‘Killer app’ mHealth + EHRs–Deloitte(Don’t you love killer […]
Q: What’s the difference between an African Elephant and ECCH?(Northern Ireland’s fiasco -again) Digital Wellbeing Conference (UK)(Update – next week reminder) Now a $2,000 ‘EDA’ for hospitals from Motorola(Pricey entry into the hospital data race) Technologies key in preventing unplanned hospital readmissions: report(More for the evidence-base) Home care: reasons why *not* to adopt telehealth (US)(Refreshingly […]
CUHTec T-cycle Service (UK)(‘cycle’ as in ‘recycle’, not ‘bicycle’) Airedale NHS Foundation Trust and the BSFA(Press release goes some way to explaining why) “Aloha, robot, mon chéri!”(More for the robots in care file) A patient wish list(Does it match your wish list?) Thoughts to speech(Pointer to far future) Simpla Phone: New UK product(Does it meet […]
NHS Direct denies demise (UK)(But doesn’t answer the questions about the BSFA) Invicta first to achieve European Standard in alarm monitoring (UK)(Congrats) Gateshead Council offers free telecare trials (UK)(So it looks like its neighbours’ offer was successful) Intel buys Infineon Wireless Radio Chip Unit(mHealth implications?) The realities of telecare(In Stockton on Tees, UK) Japan’s centenarians […]
NHS Direct to be ‘scrapped’ within lifetime of BSFA(Surprise announcement) Smartphone-based remote monitoring for epilepsy(Development in a difficult area for monitoring) Mobile Health Expo–session information(Conference info) AirStrip OB enters home health with Alere Health(For monitoring pregnant women)