VA telehealth; Robotics; Pico MASS; SeniorBridge; Remote mood tracking
Veterans’ Affairs subcommittee hearings focus on telehealth (US)
(Upcoming House of Representatives hearing)
VA: telehealth innovation competition
(Financial help for someone)
Merely Human? That’s So Yesterday
(Beyond robotics)
Housing 21 seeks buyer for Complete Group (UK)
(Industry news)
Pico: a Medication Adherence Support System (Netherlands)
(New product info)
SeniorBridge: RMP and Skype (US)
(Working eclectic approach)
Irish Government’s new telecare scheme
(Updated since posting yesterday)
New UK Government’s emphasis on quality healthcare should
benefit telehealth
(But no one seems to be bothered)
Tunstall updates training tool
(TTT update)
Remote mood tracking: When is it telecare?
(Device roundup)
Mobile Health Expo
(Conference info, Las Vegas, October)