Telehealth; Smartphones; Community matrons; SFTeHIN; Telehealth Solutions; mSanté
The £3+ million telehealth spend that has achieved…what?
(The facts, with no editorial comment for once!)
Android app for heart monitoring demonstrated
(New app news)
51% of healthcare CIOs are short staffed, admit projects at risk
(Implications for implementation)
Handicapping the smartphones, race #2
(How the race is shaping up)
A Tale of Two Telecare Aware Advertisers
(Insight for potential advertisers)
Community matrons waking up to telehealth (UK)
(At last)
SFTeHIN continues to promote eHealth in Africa
(Congratulations for hanging in there)
Cirrus wins telecare upgrade programme for Riviera Housing Trust (UK)
(Industry news)
Telehealth Solutions and NHS Islington: telehealth in pharmacies
(Industry news)
Invicta Telecare asks – what did you do at work today?
(Congratulations to Becky Surgison)
World’s smallest microscope now used for fertility testing
(New application for an app)
Newport’s Telecare Service scores a hat trick of awards
(Industry news)
mSanté (mobilité & Santé)
(Espace de travail est dédié aux Francophones)