Telehealth; Carefx; Scotland telecare; Connected healthcare; eHealth Craigslist; Ontario eHealth; Med-e-Tel; Virginia Telehealth Network; Moonray Healthcare; Telehealth Solutions
Despite growth, is telehealth on track?
(Or is it all mush?)
Carefx purchased by Harris for $155 million
(Industry news)
Innovation in Revolutionary (Crisis-Driven) Environments
(Iron fist in a soft glove)
Scotland continues to embed telecare into services and
media consciousness
(The ordinariness is palpable)
Let’s have connected healthcare to avoid icky stuff
(Cisco blog item)
Hey Pepco: There’s an app for that
(Food for thought)
eHealth as easy as Craigslist? Craig thinks so
(Craig still pushing at boundaries)
Former Ontario eHealth boss resurfaces in California
(Worthy of publicity? TA readers’ opinions sought)
Ultra-low power MCUs for mobile smart metering
(Technical news)
RSM event Point of care testing: Disruptive innovation
(UK telehealth) Deadline approaching
(Conference news)
Med-e-Tel approaching rapidly
(Conference news)
Catch up with KF conference video
(Conference news)
No demand from patients for EHRs in the UK
(Food for thought for EHR proponents)
AT&T, Sprint talk healthcare plans @ HIMSS
(Gee-whiz item)
The Virginia Telehealth Network; using mHealth to bridge
the rural gap
(Virginia becoming a telecare/telehealth industry hub?)
Moonray Healthcare acquires Telehealth Solutions (UK)
(Industry news)