Telehealth and Telecare News Update
Leeds OTs evaluate use of Just Checking by the Mental Health Intermediate Care Service (UK)
(Evaluation report)
More on medication dispensing
(Follow-up item)
News roundup 7 Oct
(4 items in one… your feedback requested)
Encouragement for telehealth startups via ‘levers’?
(Role for US health reform funding?)
Scottish Centre for Telehealth (SCT) to integrate into NHS 24
(Visionary development)
Tower Hamlets increases telecare take-up (UK)
(Learn how)
Innovation. What is it?
(Spot the difference)
Philips goes cordless
(New product news)
New Zealand’s first telehealth pilot begins
(Small beer)
Connected Health: Cheap and easy tools should come before EMRs
(Issues for physicians in small practices in the US)
United Health Group and Cisco initiative for national telehealth system
(Industry news)
Continua and ZigBee announce collaboration on standards
(Industry news)