Telecare charging; Ambient Assisted Living; MBAN; Blackberry Torch; Intel Health Guide; WellDoc

Contrasting telecare stories (UK)
(Heartwarming v sad tales)

Swansea Council backs off telecare charging plan (Wales)
(Update of item below)

Companies jump BS Telecare Framework publicity launch
(And who can blame them?)

Collaborative Networks in Ambient Assisted Living &
Connected Health
(Ireland conference news)

Treatment of wounds – new telehealth system (UK)
(New product news)

Dedicated spectrum for medical BAN — good or bad idea?
(Wireless health debate)

2010 Connected Health Symposium
(USA conference news)

The early line on the Blackberry Torch
(Not setting the world alight?)

Qualcomm and chronic disease in UAE and Saudi Arabia
(Effort to tackle chronic disease)

Telecare in the UK – to charge or not to charge?
(Up in arms over charging)

Intel Health Guide = white goods?
(Check out the ethnographic study)

ATA 2011
(USA Conference news)

2010 mHealth Summit
(USA conference news)

Enabling cost-effective management of long term conditions
(UK conference news)

GE/Fathom Information Design aging data visualisation (US/Japan)
(May be useful to someone)

Google patronises older people
(Oh dear! Oh dear!)

WellDoc for diabetes mHealth gains FDA clearance
(Good news!)

Bill Gates to keynote the mHealth Summit
(USA conference news)