Telecare Aware Updated

Nothing interesting to read? Here are 13 possibilities posted since Friday:

mHealth in developing countries, Ringful
(Where does all the data go?)

Discussion of low-energy wireless connectivity
(Throwing light on technical issues)

Using Dependability Telecare Assessment to assess telecare equipment
(Another application for the DTA tool)

Tynetec’s commitment to growth
(Industry news: new Board members)

Telehealth Ethics
(Article preview)

O2 in Czech Republic looking at telehealth
(Industry news)

Magic carpet to detect falls?
(If you are into fall detection, don’t miss this)

Trends in mobile phone technology for health monitoring
(Why mobile is the upcoming technology)

Kaiser Permanente HealthConnect at Home

Telemedicine trends, Parts 1 and 2
(Keep your finger on the way the market is moving)

Cross-cultural telemedicine
(Teleconferencing overcoming language and cultural barriers)