PARO robot; COPD telehealth; healthcare technology; Wellpoint
PARO robot: ethical or not?
(Getting the ‘controversial’ treatment in Wall Street Journal)
Two intersections: ‘Is an online telemedicine service legal?’
(View of telehealth issues in the USA)
UK better placed than the US to manage chronic disease:
lessons from the US
(Free report)
COPD admissions halved by GP practice initiative (UK)
(May not have used telehealth, either)
June’s Telecare LIN eNewsletter published
(WSDAN event registration closes tomorrow)
Now it’s ‘u-health’ from Korea
(New terminology in a useful roundup)
‘Virtual reality’ implemented for veterans’ TBI and PTSD rehab (US)
(Pointer to the future for rehab?)
Price right, partner often: sound marketing advice
(Intense response to a marketing conference)
Open house in Boston to launch healthcare technology working group (US)
(Invitation for 30th JUne)
American Well adds WellPoint (US)
(Physician-to-patient webcam/telephone service)