More Telecare and Telehealth news updates
Finally, a better fall detector? (myHalo Clip)
(First of several better detectors in the pipeline?)
Beyond ‘smart homes’-‘Home health pavilion’ added to EHX 2010
(Moving out of the ‘forever tested’)
“The patient of the future”, engaged (HealthLeaders magazine)
(Technology changing the relationship with doctors)
Telehealth / telecare project dropouts
(WSD insight)
UK Government telecare policy and the Scottish Telecare Development Programme
(Useful roundup)
KidneyTel system: Germany
(New patient monitoring development)
IBM toe-hold project in Italy
(IBM starts small)
Denmark’s large scale telehealth project
(For COPD patients)
Burnside desktop wireless phone for older people to get public airing at London Care Show
(Previous story follow up)