Hebrides Telehealth video; NHS Direct; Philips pendant alarm; telecare news
It will be worth setting aside some time to explore this stonking set of 8 items posted since Tuesday’s alert.
Excellent telehealth video: Hebrides Telehealth
(Great scenery, great overview, what more do you want?)
Tech patents – an arms race
(A dark cloud on the horizon for small companies)
Video surveillance in 360-degrees
(Techie stuff)
Scotland continues telecare support
(News report with video too)
NHS Direct / SE Essex Telemonitoring Project – excellent results (UK)
(Significant development on UK scene)
Converging telecare and telehealth device
(New product)
VNSNY/Sprint juvenile diabetes monitoring program
(Yes, we did notice the deal sweetener…)
Philips puts nail in pendant alarm coffin
(Cracks in the reassurance paradigm revealed)