Buying Solutions telecare and telehealth framework procurement
Crunch time for suppliers: new UK telecare and telehealth ‘Framework’ procurement agreement in process
(Essential reading)
February’s Telecare LIN eNewsletter published
(eNewsletter published)
Cisco launches HealthPresence technology at HIMSS
(Moving out of test mode?)
‘A perfect storm’ in connected health’s favor?
(Doctor becomes a believer)
HIMSS news in brief: RIM, Voalté, Epocrates
(Round up)
Dental telemedicine in California?
(Not quite as it seems)
Squashy Call Button (UK)
(Product news)
Philips Motiva: positive results from Catalan project
(Another study)
Telehealthcare – what are they thinking?
(See comments too)
Surrey: £50,000 telecare for people with dementia
(Can you throw some light of this?)
Cardio Pod predicting heart attack risk (Scotland)
(Market development)
Coroner criticises Sunderland Council call centre (UK)
(Sad, but old, case)
The Patient from Hell thumbs down to the iPad
(With telecare implications)